Saturday, May 9, 2009

Updates, dates and other things that rate.

It does not seem like that long ago when I first laid eyes on the state of Idaho. I can remember getting out of the truck as Charley took my picture at the sign. Kooky kids!! There is three weeks left of my time here in the spud state, did you know that?

Yes, I have decided to move forward with my teaching career. I also have no idea what that means. I have a lot of applications out for another position in the art education field. I look forward to which one I will end up in come this fall. I have applications out in Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Wisconsin and possibly a couple more. Something about being closer to family and friends making a difference in the long run. That and this state pays nothing. I would like to be paid for my level of education. I am going to wait until the last couple days of regular class before I tell the students. I want to put off all the cheering.

I am been able to get to know some great people here as well. I have my gang of friends that gets together once a month. We laugh so hard some times that some of us forget how much we had to drink. No finger pointing goes on at these functions. I will miss them. I hope through this information age we live in that email ,on a seasonal basis, is a reality. I think one coworker almost cried when I told them. These people have truly touched my life and helped me see what I want to do and how I want to do it. My principal has been great BUT he has needled me a couple times now. I look forward to updating these people on where I end up next year. I have three places I would love to end up, and not all of them are in the Twin Cities.

It has been one of the best weather days today and I find myself working on THE LIST. I was in my classroom for three hours setting up chapter two of my thesis. I am going to go back this evening and finished what I started. I hope to start typing tomorrow in the afternoon. It stinks that I am best at this type of stuff late in the evening. I might actually come close to having this section completed by the time I step into 55406.

Crud, the library is closing. I guess this will not be my last entry before I leave.

Crap, my mind just went blank once she said they were closing.

oh yeah, CS I wouldn't mind if you broke the glass. If it happens, it happens. If I can help it from happening - I will move the glass :) Stuff, it is just stuff.


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