Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life at times can be a circus, but I am not sure what event I am in.

This past month has been so crazy.  I am blessed to have started my own screen printing business, but when one thing goes up...  So, not everything is always rosy.  The past three weeks I have done everything I needed to do so the next day could happen.  For all of this work, and stress, a lot of it will come to an end this weekend.  Things will start to open up and I can readjust the work calendar.  I am still very excited for what I see as a BIG year for The Society.  I just had lunch down at the bar and it was fun to watch two guys looking at my pint glass and talking about the local beer scene.

Having two businesses out of one house makes me kooky.  My wife takes it in stride, but we do have a lot of boxes delivered to the house.  I will be looking for an actual warehouse space by the end of the year - cross your fingers.

There seems to be a lot of room for another screen printer around town.  My goal isn't to take business from others, but if they are not working hard on their customer service - well what is a guy to do.

In April things should be back on track in business so I can focus some time around the house.  We have a number of projects that will be happening in April and May (hopefully).  Losing all of our trees really sucked last summer.  This summer they will be fixing the roof, siding and issues with the crunched section on the side of the house.  It is all great, but it opens up other projects.  If your house looks brand new who wants front doors from the mid eighties? 

It could be worse, we could have lost the trees & house in the storm.

Enjoy the sunshine, it should be around for a while.

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