Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Had a funny title, but probably just to me

What has been happening lately? I forget half of my stories before I get time to write.

I am working PT at the paint store again. When I got back to town and started painting the manager asked if I wanted to work there again. It keeps me out of the trouble I am not getting myself in this summer ;) Two funny stories from last week..............

I got a call Friday night from the manager about a mishap with a customer that he helped and I took care of when he left. I made the paint and carried it out to the car for these two ladies. He said that I gave them the wrong paint. I told him there was not a chance that happened. HE said there is always a chance, so I was like 'Ok, I will give you that. I am 100% sure I gave them the right paint BUT there is a chance, I will take the heat." He called me back later that night and just wanted me to know that she got the cans mixed up at home and grabbed the wrong one. Yup, me right!!

We had a couple come in a couple times the other night, doing a project and trying to get the colors right. Nice size guy, with the muscles and UFC shirt - you know the type. Girlfriend just happened to look AMAZING in her sundress - chew on knuckle!! I was speaking with him and ringing him up, not looking at her - thought it was a good game plan. Out of the blue she says, "You have the most beautiful eyes!" I just keep looking at the keyboard of the computer and her boyfriend lets out this noise and was like "What?" I was ALL business and asked if there was anything else. She was like, What? He does! I said we should probably not talk like this - Have you seen the guy standing next to you?? We got a laugh. I said she was right, but we didn't need to talk about it out in the open.

Anybody else think this summer is on warp drive speed?? My only summer trip is next week with the guys........so needed!! I have been working on the house list, painting, painting and trying to tackle this paper. None of this sounds like fun.

This next story is not a lie, it is unbelievable but it is all true!!
I got a bill from the dentist saying the insurance did not get back to them in time and that there was an outstanding bill. So I called the bluecross people and the dentist office, going back and forth. What it came down to was that me office was not contracted with them. There were many in town I could have gone to and it would have been covered, I was told. Yup, that vein on the side of my head started to heat up. I called the dentist back, not surprising the person that I needed to speak with was out that day - would I like to leave a message with her?? :/
Cindy, this is DR calling. I was in your office a couple months ago for a cleaning. At that point I spoke with the ladies at the counter to make sure I was covered and to see if there was any problems because I worked in IDaho. They made a call to check a couple things and everything was fine. Cindy, I feel like I am being hoodwinked here. At multiple times I asked if I were covered. I feel like I am being asked to take it for the team, and that does not make me happy!!
The next day I got a call from Cindy. She told me she looked into it and went over the things we both know. She then went on to say - We are in the wrong and that outstanding bill has been taken care of - sorry for the inconvenience. I almost fell over, those ladies are getting cookies!!

My buddy told me that he was a little surprised at how I handled a situation last Friday night. I just sat there telling the woman that I didn't know the person she was talking about. She kept talking about these people like I knew them. If I have to ask who you are talking about - please stop the story. I sat there as she told me about this woman that walked away from God, has no relationship with her family and has two kids with her husband. Nope, it didn't ring any bells. I told this person that if you were to have this conversation with the other 'lady' she would have the same response. Turn the page.

Man, this summer has been pretty good. It has been 70% unexpected. Made friends, lost friends and reconnected with others. The next four weeks will be hard because of the impending job stuff and what happens next.............move, stay, sell the house, find roommates, and a couple other things. I find it hard to pray at times because I am not sure where to start.

Last thought of the day......I got to cross an item off the bucket list this week :) I bought a box of cigars. I get confused how old I am at times, and the Star Wars sheets do not help, hahahahaha

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