Monday, July 6, 2009

Where do you start?

Ah, the holiday weekend!! I needed to take today off because of the fun that kept happening throughout the weekend.

I am painting a big house currently, and finding out my body was not ready for everything that goes along with a project that size. There is a lot of ladder moving, balancing and the mental strength it also takes. I have never fallen off a ladder, or gotten hurt while painting BUT you would never know that watching me freeze up when the wind blows. My chest was sore most of the week from all the upper body motion. It is sooooooooo my element! I have been painting most my life.

Now that i am writing I am forgetting what I wanted to say.

I am getting more comfortable being home. The thought of selling my house has been in the back of my head, but it does weigh me down at times. The unseen future is starting to get to me. I want the next stage to be one in which I continue to move forward - a little less baggage.

My bad for the boring entry.

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