Friday, December 11, 2009

As I sit here............

Well, I was supposed to sub today BUT it got canceled just before I was to take off. That does not make me smile. I might have to rethink being a reserve teacher at private schools. It does give me the time, like I need more, to finished what I started around the house last night AND get more info for my interview today.

Yes, my interview got rescheduled because Wednesday was a snow day, but since no one called me I went down there and was waiting for somebody to show up. Kind of a bad first impression. It is at a middle school in Apply Valley, 6-8 grades and straight south of my house. So today at 3:15 I will shine like a star on a cold Minnesota night!!

Being a reserve teacher has stressed me out this fall/early winter. I need to be working five days a week, not three days and maybe more. I have been exposed to experienced that I have not had before - working with elementary age kids, severely handicapped kids and ghetto kids. Yes, I said ghetto - you would agree if you were standing next to me. This is another reason why I am happy with how God made me, because if I was not a big guy, with a big voice I would have not gone back to some schools. I am not kidding when I say the the toughest time I have had was not at North High School, but the other day while in a second grade classroom. My bag of tricks had nothing to keep these kiddos in check. I tried. I a, not kidding when I say that at the end of my time in that classroom I thanked the little ones AND told them that they had not only been disrespectful to me, but to their classmates that were trying to listen and do their work. Their teacher, in the back of the room, was holding in a laugh while she walked forward and told them the same thing. She went on to say that some of their parents would be called as well, eek.

There was a card game last night that I wanted to go to BUT thought I should probably stay home. My girlfriend, who I got to visit at her work for coffee yesterday, asked me if going would make me happy. Well, yes it would make me, beer, cigars and the fellas - what on that list would make me not happy. So she told me that I should go and have fun. So I did. I thought I was ready to play BUT my mind was a little wound up. Early in the game, with the bets mounting I was up against one other guy. I knew I had the hand, and we were both betting heavy. I actually turned my cards over before the river card was shown. Unfreakingbelievable. I tried to cover up with some cocky words, but it didn't work. I still had a solid night at the table. It has been two months since our last game, not good. The good thing is that the place we were playing - he is moving out west of the cities.........I think our game just got another group of good card players!! Here is to 2010!!

I know you are used to good stories but I just do not have them these days.

Almost noon and I have not had coffee or oatmeal, I best get on it. AS the year comes to an end I am a little unhappy with the thesis only being 85% finished :( and the fact I want nothing to do with it at this point. Yes, I planning on finishing it.

Laura, I finally made my pizza - need that recipe from you.......

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