Sunday, January 5, 2014

In the kitchen

So, we wrapped up 2013 on a juice cleanse. Three days doesn't seem like much, but the juices were not small. I was surprised to see that each juice was in the 20 ounce category. We had a grocery cart full of produce, which was a first for me. We have spent the last handful of months juicing, but this was different. I was creative with the juices we had, this was following a preexisting cleanse that someone on Dr. Oz had set up. The lunch juice was gag inducing!! We stuck to it and it was filling. I was not a 100% follower, because I had a little beer during those three days. It really flushed the system, really. I have continued to eat healthier over the last few days, which brings us to trying the 'gluten free' diet. My wife deals with health issues that this might be involved with. We shall see. It is a hard transition to make - due to having such tasty things right in front of you. I think by three weeks in we will have it under control. I am not getting younger. I come from family that has high blood pressure and heart issues. If I can tweak what I eat to make a difference in how my body deals with heredity I am all for it. I do not need to have six pack abs, just to be healthy. I think people confuse the two things. I need to be healthy, I do not need six pack abs - unless it is a side effect :)

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